Low Bay and High Bay fittings, Weather-proof fl-uorescent fittings,Refl-ector Batten fittings.
Explosion-proof fl-uorescent fittings and -flood lights, Weather-proof Flood Lights.
Flood Lights Street Lights and poles and accessories, Garden Lights and Bollards Weather-proof Bulkheads, Buried lights and step lights, Façade up lighters and down lighters.
Solar-powered garden lights and street lights.
CEE Type Plug - Socket - Switched Interlocked Sockets Appliance Plug - Refer Sockets - IP65 and IP67.
Plug & Socket - CEE Type & BS Standards, Junction Boxes, PVC.
Adaptable Boxes - Halogen Free Boxes.
DB Boxes - Water Proof Boxes Conforming to IP67.
PVC, GRP, GI and SS 316 Cable Tray, Cable Ladders, Conduites and Accessories.
LV, MV and HV cables, Glands, Insulators, Terminals etc
Cable Lugs - Insulated Terminals - C Clamps - Crimping Tools - Cable Cutter
PVC & Metal cable glands, Cable ties